Tag Archives: Dough

Tomato Rolls

I saw the pastry team making some delicious cinnamon rolls the other day and was a little jealous that there wasn’t a savory version. Tonight while scavenging around my, nearly empty, kitchen I thought I’d try to concoct something satisfying, savory and roll like. I found a can of diced tomatoes, a worthy substitute in the middle of winter, some garlic and a packet of yeast. 

For the bread 
1 Packet yeast 
3 c Flour
1T Sugar
1 1/2t Salt
1 1/4 c Warm water 
2T Olive oil
In a mixing bowl, with the paddle attachment, combine all the dry ingredients (as long as your yeast is not expired you will not need to hydrate it, or watch for growth before making the bread) measure out the wet ingredients and then stream into the dry at a low speed to incorporate. When the ingredients form a loose dough switch to the dough hook and knead on medium speed for about 10 minutes, to develop the gluten. If you don’t have a Kitchen Aid mixer add the dry ingredients to the wet, form a dough and knead for 10 to 12 minutes. It will form a smooth, elastic dough. Turn the dough into a greased bowl, cover and let rise about 1 hour, until it has doubled in size. While the dough rises, make some jam.
Garlicy Tomato Jam
2c Diced tomatoes 
2T Fine chopped Garlic
2T Oilve oil
1/4 c Sugar
salt and pepper to taste.
Sweat the garlic in oil, stir so that it doesn’t color. If you are using fresh tomatoes, blanch and peel them before you dice them. Add the tomatoes, sugar, lightly season the mixture (it’s going to reduce so be careful with the salt). Bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer stirring occasionally. As the sauce reduces it will stick more, it should reduce almost to a paste. Adjust the seasoning, allow to cool before spreading on the dough. 
Turn the dough onto a clean lightly floured surface, roll into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick all around. The more square it is the more usable rolls you will get. Spread the jam evenly on 2/3 of the dough. you’ll want to leave enough room at the end to seal it. Gently roll the dough into a big log keeping a tight even roll. Trim off the end, cut 3 to 4 inch slices, turn pieces onto a greased pan, let rise again for 60 minutes. Bake at 400 until brown and cooked through, about 30 minutes.     

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