Category Archives: Smart Shopping

Happy Diet

I am over indulgent and lack discipline, a lot of us are. In less then a hundred years we have gone from the most innovative, hardest working country in the world to the fattest, imports nearly everything country. What happened; abundance happened. There is more food grown a year then we can eat, so much that we give it to under developed countries (nothing wrong with that right). Technology is at our fingertips everywhere we go, information rules, and you can find out how to do anything from bake a cake to build a bomb on the internet (please don’t go out and build bombs, it is very dangerous). We have opinions thrown at us constantly from the media, how we should look, or what we should drive, what we should eat, how we should eat it, and with whom. There is a constant stream of external information being thrown at us, and it never stops. There are 600 pound people who have their own TV show for goodness sake. This is all too much for our minds to work out. We don’t ever stop to listen to ourselves any more.
I was cruising around the internet the other day, and came across an article about positive thinking by Earl Nightingale.  I am going to let it to change the way I think about things for the rest of my life. You see Earl had the keys; he was one of the first motivational speakers, wrote a handful of books, and really spoke to me (literally; I downloaded an audio of his 20 minutes could change your life, for while I run). I have not always been a positive person, part of it is the way I grew up, but why blame when you can overcome (figured that one out all by myself). This is after all my life, I am not a product of my first 17 years, I make tons of decisions every day, why haven’t I decided to drop these extra pounds? I quit smoking cold turkey one day (8 years after I started). Everything is about making a decision to do something and doing it. This is my fun new project for myself. I am posting it because maybe some of you will try it to, but first check out Earl Nightingale; getting things from the source is always best. 
“Nothing in life that is worth doing is ever easy”
First things first, write out your goals; (I’m doing this with work, diet, and love) go big or go home right. 
Have a great attitude about it. Don’t ever think that you will fail, banish negative thoughts from your mind. You can and do have a choice about what you think about, just choose not to accept the negative thoughts. When one pops into your head take a second  to examine that thought. Is that your thought? Do you think that thought is true? Are you going to accept that thought and make it your own? We DO NOT have to acknowledge every thought that pops into our minds, we do not own them just because they are there. This takes practice, and it isn’t easy sometimes to let go of them, BUT it is worth it. This is also helpful with external forces, when your boss starts ripping into you, or you are watching the success of people around you and feeling bad that you haven’t succeeded in the same way. Accept the criticism as something to improve on and LET IT GO, challenge yourself to succeed beyond that person figure out what makes them successful and do it better. 
Don’t think of people as lucky, think of them as hard workers. The only thing that separates you from what you want is YOU. 
Clean out your fridge. This is a lifestyle change not a temporary adjustment. Fill your house with nutritious, delicious whole foods. Nothing processed; can anyone live off of freezer section meals for their entire life (I couldn’t, and wouldn’t) Julia Child said it best that the only way to know what you are eating is to make it yourself. You do not have to live off of rabbit food, but weight loss is and always will be about calories in vs calories out. You don’t have to give up going out, you just have to train yourself to make better decisions while you are out. 
Move your ass! (I shouldn’t need to expand on this) Learn to love exercise, try a bunch of new things and do the ones that make you happiest. If you hate the gym, go jog or bike, get workout DVDs (Jillian Michaels will rock you), take up a sport or two. 
Make a check list. Read that checklist every day in the morning and at night, say it out loud to yourself whenever you can. It will imprint itself in your subconscious. The changes you are making are too important to be left to memory alone. On this checklist should be your goal weight, and the time in which it will take you to get there (I am going to loose 30# by May 1). How you will achieve that weight (details are important). What you are doing to get there, and how hard you are going to work for it. If you start thinking about what you are going to do early it will be more present in your mind throughout the day.
Visualize. Picture yourself in a bathing suit, looking toned and thin, or wearing skinny jeans, or whatever you want. (This might sound crazy)  Cut some pictures out of a magazine, (thin people are super easy to come by in those right) put them up with your face so that you can really see what you will look like, if you are having trouble bringing up mental images. Hold these images in your mind and bring them up often, see yourself thinner and healthier.
It takes 30 days to develop a new habit. Commit yourself to 30 days, It could change your life. 

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What do I do

The Plan

Urban Stove is here to provide expert cooking instruction to you, in your home.  It is our objective to help you master difficult dishes, learn new techniques, and become comfortable in your kitchen. If you are a person of limited cooking experience, want to impress your friends, or have a dinner party where everyone cooks, Urban Stove is your answer.
We customize a menu based on skills you wish to hone or acquire, and handle the grocery shopping for you. Invite some friends, grab a bottle of wine and prepare a meal from scratch that everyone gets to participate in.
Our success is your success; we work to exceed the desires of our clients, make memorable evenings, and provide a personalized experience with every event. Fostering Kitchen skill building and an open environment, we will accommodate all skill sets and turn you into a kitchen whiz in no time.

Private cooking lessons
Broaden your cooking horizons with in home instruction
Dinner parties get a few friends a bottle of wine and have a chef help you make a fabulous multicourse dinner
Private Chef
Grocery shopping
Meal Planning, cooking
Catering for small parties
Custom menus, meals prepared per client requirements
Kitchen tutoring
Involve the whole family, your friends, or both in educating on healthy eating having fun in the kitchen
Knife skills
Knife sharpening
Cooking Techniques
Healthy year round indoor herb gardens
Cook healthier learn how to use whole foods, eat and shop smart


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