A Bit About Me

The most neglected part of many city homes, condos and apartments is the kitchen. I am going to do my best to help the culinarily challenged overcome their kitchen troubles. Dust off the old stove and give those pots a rinse; so we can get cooking.
At Urban Stove we are dedicated to creating a comfortable in the kitchen environment, we are in business to help home cooks astonish their friends with their home made skills.
Think that making scrambled eggs is the best you can do… Let me just tell you, I was almost that bad when I started, I couldn’t have told you the difference between a large dice and a brunoise. Now though, I’d consider myself quite the expert in many kitchen facets.
I have been cooking since I was tall enough to reach the stove, and professionally for about 8 years. With two working parents who loved to cook, some of my best memories are around the kitchen table, getting my hands dirty. I remember one of the first times I was allowed to cook, my mom was making Chinese food, and I got to wring out the excess moisture in the cabbage, I remember wanting so badly to participate, it all looked so fun. To this day the smell of barbecuing chicken takes me right back to Mom’s backyard on a summer day. I’ll never make pancakes without thinking of the squiggles my Dad used to make for us, or the big fluffy, not from a box, Mickey Mouse cakes while we were camping. Food is a joyous adventure for many of us, but if you have no kitchen experience it can be a little scary.
I am an entrepreneur; my plan is to bring Americans back to their kitchens. Intimate gatherings, a dinner party where you and your friends, in your kitchen, each with a dish to prepare, and with my professional instruction, will learn how to cook something new. Whether you want to get the family together or have a night in with your besties I can tailor a menu for the group’s specific wants and guide you to better home eating.
Follow me around for a while; I’ll demystify cooking for you.

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